Sunday, November 24, 2013

"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?"

Connie is a typical teenage girl. She enjoys music, cares way too much about her appearance, believes she is mature, and is rebellious to her parents. You can even say she is two faced. At home she has one persona but away from home she has an entirely different home, her true personality disappears. When she was asked out by Eddie, I don’t think she was happy that it was Eddie but because she was accepted by society based on her looks. I also believe that even though she wasn't showing it, she was happy when Arnold "claimed" her as his own because she saw it as a complement. But when Arnold appears at her house this feeling completely changes. What’s weird is Arnold knew everything about her when he encounters her the second time. He knows where she lives, her name, her best friend’s name, and where her parents are at that time. I think that Arnold was trying to attract Connie by showing her that he knew all these facts but instead it had the opposite effect. At first Connie is kind of flattered at Arnold but when he starts saying these facts about her, she becomes worried and realizes he is a possible threat. What adds to threat is how calm he is while talking to Connie and how he lets her be in control. You can see that her two very different personas collide when he comes to her house and because of this she doesn't know what to do. In the end Arnold is able to "pin" her down and get her to enter his car. She felt that she had no other option but to submit to this maniac and go with him to where ever he was going to take her. I think that this Arnold figure is just in Connie’s imagination. While I was reading the story, I realized that Connie only saw him when she was listening to music. I thought this short story was disturbing but very enjoyable. It had me on the edge my seat almost the entire way through.