Tuesday, May 20, 2014

After spending some time in the academy Alex becomes fond of the school. He's gotten comfortable with his room and has even made a friend, James Sprintz. Alex was able to relate to James Sprintz about the school and both did not want to be there. Alex also realized that all the others boys are all well mannered. James tells Alex that its weird because one moment they were just like Alex and himself, rebellious and hating the school, then the next moment they are good, non rebellious boys. After a day or two Alex escapes from his room using his saw and takes a walk around the school. He realizes that he should go back into the school after a little while. When he enters he hears a boy being forced downstairs and then into a room. At first Alex couldn't make it out who the boy was but soon realizes that it was James Sprintz being dragged. Alex followed them into the room to find himself in the schools library. Alex decides to go back to his room and sees that James Sprintz is in his bed unharmed. But Alex notices something weird the next morning. What shocked me was that James Sprintz had an entirely new and different personality, much like the other boys. After reading this I started to wonder what was going on and what happened to James Sprintz. Was he okay? What did they do to him? What will Alex do next? I must keep reading to see.

In chapter 7, Alex Rider encounters Ms. Stellenbosch in a helicopter to take Alex to the academy in the French Alps. She arrives in a helicopter to Friends house which she piloted herself. Just before that, Alex meets Smithers, the equipment guy, who gives Alex a bunch of useful gadgets that he can use when he needs at the academy. He gives Alex a saw disguised as a disc player, a small explosive disguised as a stud, a bulletproof ski suit, ski goggles, and single shot tranquilizer gun disguised as a book. Alex was a little disappointed that the only weapon he really received was the tranquilizer. Unfortunately as Alex was leaving, Fiona, Friend's daughter, appears and frightens Alex into thinking that she will expose Alex to Ms. Stellenbosch thus rendering the mission a failure if she had done so. Alex was forced to use the one bullet in the tranquilizer gun to prevent Fiona from exposing him. Now Alex was going into enemy territory with no weapons for defense. After reading this scene i started to wonder how Alex would make it there and how he is feeling right now. I would imagine him being afraid and worrisome about the mission and his well being. I also thought about how would he defend himself if the moment came that only a weapon could get him out of. Alex and Ms. Stellenbosch land in Paris for a refuel and for a break. There they stay in a very nice hotel and eat very nice food. At first I thought she was taking Alex there for a nice time before his misery at the academy but soon found out that it was exactly the opposite. Ms. Stellenbosch spiked or drugged Alex's drink so that they could examine his body and take note of all his features. Scientists take pictures and record everything about Alex. After reading about this, I was in shock and was very confused. I started to wonder why she would be doing this. What was the academy going to do? Is it even an academy? I guess i'll have to keep reading to find out.